Child looking at toys in store

Toys & Hobby

Instant attraction

Imagine a modern toy store without blister and high-visibility packaging. Impossible! As far as impulsive buying behavior is concerned, the toy business is the absolute winner! Much of the time consumers go to a toy shop to buy a gift without any idea what they are going to buy. They make their purchase decision based on what they see and feel on the shop shelves. Therefore, it is most important that the presentation of your product is the best it can be, and that the consumer, the moment he or she passes the shelf in which your product is displayed, is instantly attracted.

Advantages of Ecobliss Retail packaging for the Toys & Hobby industry

If you want to move your new, trendy, fancy products at high speed over the counter, then let Ecobliss, the Smart Source, be your partner in creating an outstanding, high-visibility shelf presentation.

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Our team is fine blend of knowledge, experience and eagerness. Give them a call. Or send a message to call you back at a convenient time for you.
Timo Kubbinga

Timo Kubbinga

+31 6 273 488 95
Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Gianni Linssen

Gianni Linssen


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