Component inserts
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Protecting and positioning your product

Inserts keep a product in place within the packaging and thus protect it. When designing inserts such as trays, buffers and dividers, our designers not only look at functionality but also at sustainability. In our view, a smart design is also a design in which materials are handled and transported with care.

Inserts are always custom made, because the packaging of your product is too. The choice of materials is important here. We offer inserts made from plastic as well as from sustainable materials such as cardboard and moulded paper pulp.

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Contact the team

Our team is fine blend of knowledge, experience and eagerness. Give them a call. Or send a message to call you back at a convenient time for you.
Timo Kubbinga

Timo Kubbinga

+31 6 273 488 95
Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Gianni Linssen

Gianni Linssen


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