Component tray
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Packaging trays

For safe transport and retail-ready display

Packaging trays are indispensable for the safe and efficient transport of your products. Not only from the factory to the stores, but also for quick placement and attention-getting presentation on store shelves. At Ecobliss Retail, we design and produce the transport and display packaging trays you need in the logistics chain. Made of plastic or a durable material like cardboard: the choice is yours. Make use of the options available to even print a packaging tray and‘brand’ it in your company style. We are happy to advise you on the right approach for your product.

Thermoformed packaging trays: an innovation in packaging

As mentioned, Ecobliss Retail offers different types of packaging trays that can be customised to fit your packaging needs. One type of packaging our machines are specialised in is thermoforming of packaging. This technique is basically the process of creating designs, adjusted to your packaging needs, made out of plastic. These plastic packaging trays are made by a plastic sheet that is heated and placed onto a mold that is modified to fit your design. For this, the machine uses pressurised air and a vacuum. Thermoformed packaging trays therefore fit around your product perfectly, keeping it safe. With our machines, we can create thousands of finished parts per hour, with the exact quantities varying depending on the machine and size of the mold.

Plastic packaging trays: organise your product

The biggest advantage of packaging trays is that they help keep your products organised. With the individual cavities, your product stays in place and safe. Packaging trays also ensure efficient use of the available space during transport and in the store. You will therefore not have to wonder whether your product will stay safe and intact when it is being moved from one place to another.

One type of packaging that plastic packaging trays are very useful for is our child-resistant packaging. The trays are easy to place inside the carton sleeve and once clicked, it serves as primary packaging, the CR solution is called Locked4Kids. The carton opens with two push points with hooks sticking out. To open the packaging and access the plastic packaging trays, you will need to push on both hooks simultaneously. Children cannot do so, which extensive research and testing has shown. Besides this, the packaging is very senior-friendly. With our capacity to provide both the packaging trays and the carton sleeve, we are uniquely positioned to assist you in creating the primaryLocked4Kids packaging.

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Our team is fine blend of knowledge, experience and eagerness. Give them a call. Or send a message to call you back at a convenient time for you.
Timo Kubbinga

Timo Kubbinga

+31 6 273 488 95
Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Gianni Linssen

Gianni Linssen


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