Tepelné těsnění

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Card-to-card blister packaging

Heat seal card-to-card blister packaging combines a fold-over or separate front and back blister card with a transparent blister. These components are bonded using heat and pressure, creating a visually striking package that enhances shelf presentation.

- Advantages: The combination of a high-quality blister and card provides a clear, attractive view of the product, making it ideal for retail displays.

- Eco-friendly process: Ecobliss uses the environmentally friendly, water-based Ecoseal 9000 series coating for card production. This coating is applied using advanced inline or offline equipment.

- Applications: Trusted by major brands like Sony and P&G, heat seal cards have proven effective, with millions of blister cards displayed globally.

Card-to-plastic blister packaging

Tato technologie tepelného těsnění blister se skládá pouze z jednoho kusu desky a blister, a proto je její výroba velmi ekonomická. Deska je potažena vrstvou našeho osvědčeného, ekologického, vodou ředitelného těsnicího nátěru řady HS9000. Po přidání produktu lze pomocí tepla a tlaku přilepit blister přímo na jednu stranu karty. V závislosti na trhu, na kterém se používají, jsou blisters obvykle vyrobeny z PET nebo PVC. Pro podporu procesu balení je k dispozici celá řada zařízení od velmi jednoduchých až po vysoce automatizované balení s tepelnou pečetí blister .

Plastic-to-plastic blister packaging

This method involves heat sealing two plastic components, such as clamshells or blisters, together. The process ensures durability and security in the final package:

1.      The package passes through a heating station, where the bonding occurs.

2.      A cooling station follows to flatten and fuse the plastic edges for a perfect seal.

The sealing process is controlled by a PLC seal timer for precision and consistency.

Odborník v této oblasti

Heat sealing plastic-to-plastic is more complex than it seems. The right plastic type is crucial, as not all materials are suitable for heat sealing. Additionally, tooling design plays a pivotal role in achieving a smooth and efficient packaging processs.

Ecobliss is an expert in this field: both in the design and development of plastic-to-plastic blisters, in the choice of packaging equipment and in the gearing-up of production tooling.

What should you consider when choosing heat sealing equipment?

- Your packaging materials (e.g., PET, PVC, orspecific cards)

- The desired level of automation

- Equipment compatibility with your production needs

A range of equipment, from simple manual devices to fully automated systems, is available to suit your requirements. Detailed comparisons, reviews, and recommendations can guide you in making the best choice.

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Timo Kubbinga

Timo Kubbinga

+31 6 273 488 95
Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Gianni Linssen

Gianni Linssen


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