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Card-to-card blister packaging

Heat seal card-to-card blister packaging combines a fold-over or separate front and back blister card with a transparent blister. These components are bonded using heat and pressure, creating a visually striking package that enhances shelf presentation.

- Advantages: The combination of a high-quality blister and card provides a clear, attractive view of the product, making it ideal for retail displays.

- Eco-friendly process: Ecobliss uses the environmentally friendly, water-based Ecoseal 9000 series coating for card production. This coating is applied using advanced inline or offline equipment.

- Applications: Trusted by major brands like Sony and P&G, heat seal cards have proven effective, with millions of blister cards displayed globally.

Card-to-plastic blister packaging

Denne varmeforseglingsteknologi blister består blot af et enkelt stykke karton og en blister, og er derfor meget økonomisk at producere. Kartonen er belagt med et lag af vores gennemprøvede, miljøvenlige, vandbaserede HS9000-serie forseglingsbelægning. Efter tilføjelse af et produkt kan blister limes direkte på den ene side af kortet ved hjælp af varme og tryk. Afhængigt af det marked, hvor de bruges, er blisters typisk fremstillet af PET eller PVC. Der findes en række meget enkle til meget automatiserede varmeforseglende blister emballeringsudstyr til at understøtte emballeringsprocessen.

Plastic-to-plastic blister packaging

This method involves heat sealing two plastic components, such as clamshells or blisters, together. The process ensures durability and security in the final package:

1.      The package passes through a heating station, where the bonding occurs.

2.      A cooling station follows to flatten and fuse the plastic edges for a perfect seal.

The sealing process is controlled by a PLC seal timer for precision and consistency.

Ekspert inden for dette område

Heat sealing plastic-to-plastic is more complex than it seems. The right plastic type is crucial, as not all materials are suitable for heat sealing. Additionally, tooling design plays a pivotal role in achieving a smooth and efficient packaging processs.

Ecobliss is an expert in this field: both in the design and development of plastic-to-plastic blisters, in the choice of packaging equipment and in the gearing-up of production tooling.

What should you consider when choosing heat sealing equipment?

- Your packaging materials (e.g., PET, PVC, orspecific cards)

- The desired level of automation

- Equipment compatibility with your production needs

A range of equipment, from simple manual devices to fully automated systems, is available to suit your requirements. Detailed comparisons, reviews, and recommendations can guide you in making the best choice.

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Timo Kubbinga

Timo Kubbinga

+31 6 273 488 95
Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Wim Henk Stoppkotte

Gianni Linssen

Gianni Linssen


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